Welcome to my Blog - hope you enjoy it! Sue x

Monday, 5 April 2010

Identity Crisis

After many weeks of telling myself 'I will start a blog', I find that I have some free time this Easter weekend to do just that!   So I sit down and think about where I am going to start.  I've read Haptree's Craft Blog UK and have lots of ideas about what I want to write about, but first things first, what am I going to call it?  And there was the problem.

I sell on Folksy with a friend under the name of Sorcery & Sparkle but I've recently set up my own website to sell my jewellery under the name of Bright Sparkle Jewellery, and I really wanted this blog to link to both of them.

So after much deliberating, I've sort of come up with a compromise and this is an amalgamation of the two of them - the name from one, the logo from the other, plus a pink theme to join them both!

I hope you like what I've done so far, and would love any comments.  I've got a list together of things to write about in the weeks to come, and I'm looking forward to taking part in some Folksy Fridays when I get to grips with Haptree's tutorial (although it might have to be a Folksy Thursday evening for me!)

Thanks for reading, and here's to more blogging!


  1. Well done for getting started, that's the hard part over with x

  2. You'll probably find that writing a blog becomes addictive!

  3. Well done! I myself am new to blogging and decided to have a go and see where it led. I agree with Jo that it can be quite addictive but rewarding too.

    Natalie x

  4. Hello!
    My new year's resolution was to blog 365! It's hard work sometimes, but generally I really enjoy it. It's a great way to show off your work and that of your on-line friends x
    Good luck x

  5. Thank you for all your comments and encouragement! I think blog 365 is a bit ambitious, but I'm aiming for blog 52! :o)

  6. Welcome to blogging - you can't go far wrong if you follow Haptree's advice. Looking forward to your Folksy Fridays!
